Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fair and lovely

"Wanted fair ,beautiful and well cultured girl from a respectable family".These are the kind of ads we come across matrimonial classifieds.I have yet to read an ad where it says "wanted dark skinned girl".Majority of us have this fetish for fair skin or should i say "gori chitti".Even the ads of fairness creams display that you would get a suitable husband or a boyfriend only if you are fair skinned.Does that mean a dark skinned girl would never get married and be single for the rest of her life.Another misconception that we have is that ,only a beautiful girl can make our lives better.What happened to emotional connectivity!!!.It's very sad to say that all us have this perfect picture image which never exists.A man with a darker complexion will always have a fair women on his arm.I guess these men are unaware of the latest ads of Nivea which is meant for men which could make them fairer.This friend of mine always found faults in a girl be it her looks or character.He should thank his lucky stars for even meeting a girl because frankly he was no looker , but found it amusing to pass comments.He wanted a girl who resembled "angelina jolie".His quest for that perfect girl is still on.A partner should be someone with whom you are compatible with, looks should be secondary.