Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interview dilemma Part 2

I'm back folks after a long time.The reason being my decision to get back to the corporate sector.After a sabatical break of 2 yrs,i was tempted by the green monster(money) and began my quest to face the interviewer AGAIN!!!.I realized it was a big mistake specially because of the recent terror attacks and my last name.It finally dawned on me that even after endless peaceful demonstrations outside the gateway of india or should i say taj since that was how it was portrayed by the media IN A LOOP,we still have this biased attitude towards certain communities.Being a consultant and self employed,i found it difficult to convince the interviewer about my self imposed break.They fired a wholly of questions like ,what have you been doing these past 2 yrs etc etc.I was told to submit a proof of my current profession such as my license for which i had paid a considerable amount.It was an integrity issue for me as it would be doomsday if it falls into wrong hands.Anybody can commit a fraud in my name and i would be in a jail suit in no time.Although i tried my best to convince them that my business involved frequent visits to the police station for verification of my clients,they refused to accept it.I felt so annoyed with the entire procedure that i walked out.Do we live in a country with diverse backgrounds and culture or are we in still in denial???